As you know, the revised mechanism for Local Overseas Allowance (LOA) is based on data provided commercially by Employment Conditions Abroad International (ECA). ECAs cost of living data is updated bi-annually by reference to – among other sources – the results of surveys completed by the employees (in this case you) of their clients (Defence). Information provided by Service Personnel (SP) like yourselves helps to make sure that ECA’s indices reflect the modern lifestyle including your shopping preferences and the living conditions you experience on the ground.

Defence Business Services would like to request your participation in ECA’s Sept 2022 cost of living survey. Input from this survey helps to establish the cost of living indices used in calculating LOA rates. The data collected from SP assigned overseas will be valuable in calculating LOA and this is your chance to contribute to that process.

As LOA is based on a generic overseas cost of living, prices must not be sourced from any military bases or facilities (e.g., BFPO, NAAFI, RIS, BX or Commissary) but from commercial outlets. Travel to collect prices will not be considered as duty travel.  Personnel can join forces and submit a ‘team’ survey with members of the ‘team’ completing their own sections which can be collated together to reduce the impact of completing the survey (which is a little daunting at first glance).  Changes were made from the previous survey so please do take the time to take part and have your say.  CHANGE CAN ONLY HAPPEN WITH ACTIVE INVOLVEMENT FROM THE COMMUNITY – DON’T JUST COMPLAIN – HAVE YOUR SAY!

Please collect prices by 16th September and return the questionnaires by 22nd September. Please send the completed surveys to: (cc in the If participants have questions about the process of completing the survey, or need more time to take part, they may contact ECA at the same E-Mail address.

As a thank you to participants, ECA will be conducting a prize draw for all respondents after the survey, with multiple prizes available for the winners.  This is the second review in 2022 so huge thanks from those who participated back in Mar, there were no prizes last time so feel free to join in again 😊.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with ECA directly at the above email address if you have any questions or contact the NSE for more general LOA questions as necessary.

The links to the Survey and the Guidelines are below.

Thank you in advance for your participation.

Please fill in the following form if you intend to complete the ECA Survey: