All personnel are to note, when applying for Duty Travel bookings through EJSU Travel Cell you are to provide a completed/authorised Annex D, attached for ease:

The Annex D must be forwarded to the EJSU Travel Cell by email ( Whilst you must send a scanned version with signatures in a PDF format, you must also send the Excel version. The Travel Cell will use that version for further staffing; this will save time for all concerned as the travel cell will have to follow up/reject the request without the excel version.

In addition to the Annex D you must also provide evidence of why you require the travel booking; medical letter, course joining instructions etc.

Finally, if your request involves a hire car requirement you will also be required to submit the simple on line form linked below on EJSU.Net. No hire car bookings can be made without the SP holding a valid FMT600 issued by the NSE MT Manager.

TRANSPORT REQUEST FORM – European Joint Support Unit (