Phillipa Chapman and I as your future Community Liaison Officer’s (CLOs) look forward to your arrival. I attach the EJSU.NET links to the latest Brussels guides for your information BRUSSELS-GUIDES – European Joint Support Unit (

Additionally, we include the link to the most recent monthly newsletter to give you a feel for the activities and community here in Brussels: North Belgium – November Newsletter – European Joint Support Unit (

EJSU.NET is a great tool and community asset for information, signposting and latest local and regional news as and when it happens. Welcombeek recommends that you become familiar with this excellent digital platform which provides signposting support for most of the needs of the local community. Additionally, Welocmbeek runs a closed Facebook Community Group page and also a “buy and sell” group Facebook page also on this social media platform. Please search for Welcombeek in the Groups area of the Facebook social media platform

Finally, as your future CLOs Phillipa and I would like to offer you a Welcombeek “meet and greet” to discuss your move, the location and discuss support and signposting that you may need for this your next deployment. We offer you a group “meet and greet” for all newly arrived persons to this location supported by EJSU at the Welcombeek Community House. Here, we can share a coffee and a chat with your new Head of Location, Host Nation local experts, padres and your CLO team. The next group of new arrivals meet and greet is scheduled for 24th November at 11:00am and then the next one will be towards the end of January (because of the festive holidays). This is a great way to meet other new arrivals too.

We will be back in touch after your move has completed to check how everything has gone and update you on Welcombeek activities

Good luck with the move and please do not hesitate in contacting your CLOs or EJSU if you need any further help, signposting and advice!

Kind regards


Mr Glenn Price | Community Liaison Officer